CZASE Assembly minutes
14 February 2020
1:30 p.m.: The beginning. The chair doc. Jana Chamonikolasová opens the assembly.
The agenda of the assembly is approved without comments by all present members (18-0-0).
1. Report of the Chair. The Chair summarized the last two years of activities of CZASE, including its activities in organizing the ESSE 2018 conference and the CZASE 2020 conference, both in Brno.
2. Report of the Treasurer. The Treasurer doc. Naďa Kudrnáčová read the report of the account and explained incomes and expenditures. Details are available in the Treasurer’s report. The account balance is in black numbers and has grown over the last few years. The vote is postponed.
3. Report of the Inspection Committee. The Inspector dr. Beran read the statement of the Inspection Committee, stating that the Committee agreed with the Treasurer’s report. The vote is postponed.
4. Information about CZASE registration and Statute. The latest version of the Statute is available on CZASE web and all participants of the General Assembly were given a printed form of the Statute at the beginning of the Assembly. The Chair explains that there is a discrepancy in the Statute, between Article XI, section 6 (members of the Inspection Committee are … elected by secret ballot), and Article XIV, section 1 (the Inspection Committee is elected by acclamation). The Chair suggests that the former formulation will be changed in order to correspond with the latter.
The address of the Association is now in Prague (Faculty of Arts of Charles University); but the Chair suggests that the new CZASE Chair may decide to change the address – it can be in the same city as the new Chair’s affiliation. However, the conclusion of the discussion is that it would be more practical to keep the address the same so it does not have to be changed each time a new chair is elected.
Membership fee is addressed and it is generally agreed that it will remain the same, although the Association is not in red numbers anymore.
5. Election of a new Executive Board, Chair, and Inspection Committee of CZASE. Candidates are presented, they present themselves.
It is 2 p.m. and the Assembly may now vote by plain majority of present voters. Two persons leave.
Report of the Treasurer is approved (16-0-0), Report of the Inspection Committee is approved (16-0-0), the modified version of the Statute (Inspection Committee elected by acclamation) is approved (16-0-0), and the fee is kept at the current value (16-0-0).
Dr. Kačer and dr. Kamenická are confirmed as members of the electoral committee. Ballots are given out.
Dr. Renata Tomášková: 15 votes, is confirmed as the new Chair of CZASE.
Newly elected members of the CZASE Executive Board are:
Doc. Jan Chovanec, dr. Zénó Vernyik, dr. Gabriela Zapletalová, dr. Markéta Malá, dr. Vladislav Smolka and dr. Pavlína Flajšarová.
Elected members of the CZASE Inspection Committee are:
Dr. Zdeněk Beran, prof. Ondřej Pilný, and doc. Michael Kaylor
Congratulations to the newly elected Chair, Board and Committee. The former Chair, Board and Committee members are thanked for their years of hard work for CZASE.
The Assembly is concluded at 2.45 p.m.
The Minutes were recorded by dr. Kačer.
14 February 2020
doc. PhDr. Jana Chamonikolasová, Ph.D. Mgr. Tomáš Kačer, Ph.D.