9. ESSE Conference - Call for Seminar Proposals
Dear Colleagues,
I am pleased to invite you to address seminar proposals for the ESSE conference in Aarhus. Please note that a proposal must be submitted by members of two associations of ESSE. In our case, the other association may even be the Slovak SKASE. The submission deadline is the end of May. For further information see the conference website http://www.esse2008.dk/preliminary_announcement.html , which also includes the e-mail address for submission. So far only one proposal for a seminar in linguistics has been submitted.
As a member of the Academic Programme Committee, I am ready to support your proposals.
With best wishes,
Prof. Dr. Martin Procházka
Czech Association for the Study of English
9. ESSE Conference in Aarhus (Denmark) 22-26 August 2008 (Friday-Tuesday)
Call for Seminar Proposals
The conference will include 4 plenaries, 12 lectures, 12 round-tables, and 60 seminars. Poster sessions should be added to the programme
The Academic Programme Committee (APC) for Aarhus will be made up of six members. They are: Dominic Rainsford (Chair; literature), a linguist from Aarhus, a cultural studies person from Aarhus (their choice is the responsibility of Aarhus), Warwick Gould (organizer of ESSE/8; literature), Marina Bondi (linguistics) and Martin Procházka (literature).
- Seminar proposals on specialised topics within our field will be made jointly by two ESSE members, preferably from two different National Associations. The degree of international appeal and participation will be one of the criteria used by the APC to select proposals. Proposals will not be entertained if they come from two people in the same institution.
- Some degree of flexibility can be exercised with regard to admitting co-convenors who do not belong to ESSE, if and only if their presence is felt to be important for the good functioning of the seminar.
- A seminar proposal will include the topic, the names, affiliations and addresses of the two convenors and a 100-word description of the topic
- Seminar organisers/convenors should plan their session/s to allow ample time for discussion and debate.
- Convenors may not run more than two sessions for their seminar topic
As a minimum, a seminar should expect to offer 4 presentations; as a maximum for a seminar run as a double session, there should be no more than 10 presentations