Executive Board Election
At the General Assembly held on 7 March 2014, a new executive board for CZASE was elected, and its members are as follows:
doc. PhDr. Jana Chamonikolasová, Ph.D. (Chair)
prof. Dr. Martin Procházka CSc. (Vice-Chair)
prof. PhDr. Bohuslav Mánek, CSc. (Vice-Chair)
prof. PhDr. Michal Peprník, M.Phil., Dr. (Vice-Chair)
doc. PhDr. Naděžda Kudrnáčová, CSc. (Treasurer)
doc. Michael Kaylor, PhD (Secretary)
Mgr. Eva Valentová (Webmaster)
The elected members of the Inspection Committee for CZASE are PhDr. Zdeněk Beran and doc. Ondřej Pilný, Ph.D.