In 2006, the European Journal of English Studies will be re-launched, with a new publisher (Routledge), a new editorial team, and re-defined ‘Aims and Scopes’ and editorial policy.
Whilst still dedicated to publishing research of the highest quality, organised around specific thematic issues, the editors are committed to an open policy in relation to contributions, and are therefore issuing the following ‘call for contributions’ from potential authors and sub-editors. Contributions will be subjected to peer reviewing.
Whilst the primary readership for EJES will no doubt continue to be scholars working within Europe, to define its Europeanness by place of work would be to give an increasingly de-territorialised discipline an old-fashioned geography. Instead, what characterises the European study of English for the editors is the multidisciplinary and multicultural nature of its contexts. To this end, the themes for future issues will seek to privilege topics which may be addressed, in a dialogical manner, from a variety of disciplinary (and, ideally, interdisciplinary) points of view. By the same token, contributions will be sought which engage in dialogue between the texts and contexts of English and those of other cultures in which it is studied and with which it interacts.
A further characteristic of European English Studies is, undoubtedly, their growth and mutability. The expansion of English Studies in Europe and the increase in contacts between its various localities through ESSE and Erasmus-Socrates has provoked rethinkings and disciplinary reconfigurations which are likely to intensify with the progressive implementation of the Bologna Agreement. EJES will therefore also privilege, as characteristically but not exclusively ‘European’, a questioning of the object of study, an attention to new texts and contexts, new approaches, new configurations, new interdisciplinarities, and the accompanying revision and revaluation of canons and orthodoxies.
The issues for Volume 10 (2006), on New Perspectives on English Studies across Europe, Cultural Memory, and Cultural Exchange, are already in an advanced state of preparation, but proposals for contributions would be most welcome for the following issues:
11. 1: Law, Literature, and Language. Eds Greta Olson and Martin A. Kayman.
Deadline for proposals: 30 September 2005.
Deadline for finished articles: 31 March 2006.
11.2: New Textualities. Ed. Manuel Portela.
Deadline for proposals: 30 September 2005.
Deadline for finished articles: 31 July 2006.
11.3: Literature, Epistemology and Science. Ed. Ronald Shusterman.
Deadline for proposals: 31 December 2005.
Deadline for finished articles: 30 November 2006.
12.1: New Englishes. Ed. Bessie Dendrinos.
Further details to be announced in due course.
Topics suggested for future issues include: Histories, Travelling Concepts, European Modernisms, Translations/ Translatability, Gender Matters, Intermediality/ Literature and the Other Arts, Style, Intercultural Communication, The Cultural Turn in English Studies, The Performative Turn in English Studies.
The general editors: Martin A. Kayman (, Angela Locatelli (, or Ansgar Nünning ( would like to hear from colleagues interested in editing or co-editing one of these issues, or in proposing other topics for future issues.